Call for Papers:

The Workshop on Vision-Based Understanding for Low-Resource Languages (WVLL) aims to foster discussions and collaborations among researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts interested in the challenges and opportunities related to vision-based understanding in the context of low-resource languages. This workshop will explore recent advances and novel approaches in document image processing, optical character recognition, scene text detection, medical document analysis, and other related topics, with a specific focus on languages with limited linguistic resources.

Topics of Interest:

We invite original contributions covering a wide range of topics relevant to a vision-based understanding of low-resource languages. Suggested areas of interest include but are not limited to

Submission Guidelines:

We invite researchers to submit their original and unpublished work related to the workshop's theme. Authors can submit either long papers (up to 8 pages) or short papers (up to 4 pages), following the WACV 2024 formatting guidelines.

All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process by our expert review panel. Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop as oral presentations or posters.

Important Dates:

Submission Link:

Please submit your papers through the WVLL workshop submission system:

Submission Link

Join us at the Workshop on Vision-Based Understanding for Low-Resource Languages, where we will explore innovative solutions to empower languages with limited resources through cutting-edge computer vision technologies. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and fostering engaging discussions during the workshop at WACV 2023!